
Meet Kelly-Rae, our Kitchen Witch 🧙‍♀️

Posted on January 27, 2021 by laureen barker

"I believe that, in most cases, nature provides us with everything we need."

Kelly-Rae is our resident Kitchen Witch & supplies us with beautiful luxurious hand-made body care products like bath bombs, body oils, salves & body butters. 


Gaia Rising: Tell us a little bit about yourself...Background, where you grew up, just a brief history of YOU....

Kelly-Rae: I grew up in rural Alberta and went to school in a place called New Norway.  There were 500 people in the entire school from K - 12. Very small.. and looking back on it, so fun!  I made my way to BC when I was 26 and after bouncing around the province for a few years and six months in India, I landed in Nelson. I've been in the area now for almost 14 years. I have a 12 year old son who is my absolute favourite human in the world and we have a black cat named Nell and a betta fish named Reddona.

Gaia Rising: How and why did you get into making natural body care products? Why is it important to you that you use all natural ingredients?

Kelly-Rae: I've been interested in natural/herbal remedies and using natural products for quite a few years.  I believe that, in most cases, nature provides us with everything we need.  When I began making products there was just no other option, in my mind, than to use natural ingredients.  I wanted to create something for people to enjoy and nourish themselves with, without having to worry about what's in them.  I LOVE my baths and I just can't imagine sitting and soaking in a tub full of chemicals.  I don't want anyone to do that!  So I strive to make products that are just as luxurious and decadent without any worrisome ingredients OR wasteful packaging.

Gaia Rising: Is the name “Kitchen Witch” significant to you and your identity? Do you identify as a witch? Would you say that you put “magic” into your products or how you make them?

Kelly-Rae: The name is significant in a couple of ways!  Yes I definitely identify as a Kitchen Witch, Hearth Witch.. Eclectic Witch.  I also make everything in my kitchen under the watchful eye of my Grandma's old kitchen witch.  It hung in her kitchen for as long as I can remember and I was always enamored with it.  Now it hangs in mine and makes me feel connected to her.  I love that.

I would say that I do put magic and intention into my products!  Certain products have specific intentions stirred into them; like the "Love" bath bombs, for example...  always clockwise as any kitchen witch would do. ;)  And always loving and positive.  I also use ingredients intentionally for both their magical and medicinal properties.


                               "Love" Bath Bomb by Kitchen Witch

Gaia Rising: I noticed some of your products have archetypal goddess names, are you into mythology? Do these goddesses have significance to you and why?

Kelly-Rae: I seek out archetypes and Goddesses that embody the energy of the product I am creating.  Persephone's Return is a scent that I created in the Spring around the idea of new beginnings and fresh starts.  Lilith.. well she's just such a badass.  She was the inspiration for a Summer scent that was sexy and intoxicating and full of that "I do what I want" vibe.

Gaia Rising: Do you have a particular faith that you follow or do you have some sort of spiritual practice? How did you get into it?

Kelly-Rae: I have spent a lot of time in the last 20 years learning about many different faiths and philosophies and I love so much about so many of them.  It would be difficult to pin down a particular faith that I follow.  I consider myself a witch but am not wiccan.  I believe there is magic in nature and all around us.  I practice certain aspects of Buddhism and Taoism.  I call on Ganesha when I come up against obstacles and sometimes leave crumbs out for the fae.  I think Jesus was a really rad guy who had beautiful things to teach the world.  There are so many paths to understanding the Universe and I find a lot of beauty in all of them.

Gaia Rising: What is your favourite body care product in your line and why?

Kelly-Rae: Right now it is the Weekend at the Cabin Bath Bomb.  It literally smells like you walked into a cedar cabin or sauna and when I use them it just takes me to another world of relaxation.

Gaia Rising: What is your favourite product to make in your line and why?

Making bath bombs is absolutely divine because I'm enveloped in the most beautiful scents for hours at a time! I also love the entire process of making herbal balms.. starting plants from seed or wildcrafting, infusing oil, and finally making the balms.  It makes me feel very connected to nature and the old, wise ways.

Gaia Rising: Are there any new body care products you are planning to try and make in the future?

Kelly-Rae: I'm always dreaming up new ideas and love coming up with seasonal offerings.  People really really love the bath bombs the most, and I want to focus more on creating the most luxurious natural bath bombs with unique scents and ingredients.  Scent is such a powerful tool to get out of your head and into your body.  To create moments of relaxation and reset.  I want to explore this more because I think we all need more of that in our lives.

Gaia Rising: What would be in your shopping bag at Gaia Rising :) ?

Kelly-Rae: Oooooh!  Tarot and oracle cards, books, incense, and a really deep toned wind chime for my mom.

Pop by Gaia Rising to see the selection of Kitchen Witch products we have in store!



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Shungite Water for Energetic & Physical Cleansing

Posted on August 25, 2020 by laureen barker

🖤Cleansing & Purifying, Shungite is mostly made up of carbon. It is a powerful energetic cleanser but also a great detox support for our bodies!
Discovered in Russia and still mostly found there, Peter the Great was a proponent in the use of Shungite. He recognized the qualities of the mineral as having many health benefits. As a result, he made all of his soldiers carry a piece with them to purify their water & help clean their wounds. Nowadays people like to use Shungite to protect themselves against EMF (Electro Magnetic Forces) radiation to help balance the energies in their body & help guard against EMF stress.
🖤FUN FACT: There is Shungite but there is also Noble Shungite. Regular Shungite is quite black where as Noble Shungite is more silver & shiny. Noble Shungite also has a higher carbon content ranging from 90 % - 98% where as regular Shungite has a range of 30 % - 90 % (inconsistently).
We recommend using Noble Shungite for as you have a more consistent concentration of carbon to work with when using it to help with physical ailments.
🖤Shungite Water
1 Mason Jar
1/2 - 1 Lemon (juice only)
1 Tsp of Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt
1-3 Pieces of Noble Shungite (Depending on how concentrated you want it to be for cleansing)
*Optional: Pray to preferred expression of divinity for spiritual cleansing & energetic protection
*Charge under a full moon; Depending on the placement of the full moon you can tap into different energies for different uses. Ex: Full Moon in Cancer can intensify cutting negative cords of attachment with toxic family members, Full Moon in Aquarius can create a deeper cleanser of the effects of technology in our bodies & EMF raditation.
🖤Keep on the counter & drink 1/2 a cup daily diluted with tap or filtered water. You may feel the detox of the concentrated cleansers, so go slowly, don't upset your system unnecessarily but listen to your body!

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Orgonite Energy Generators - Stay Balanced !

Posted on July 14, 2020 by laureen barker

Karen Nelson is a local Artist who specializes in creating unique, hand-made Orgonite Genertaor Pyramids.

We are very excited to be carrying her product in our store!

What are Orgonite (Orgone) Generators?

"Orgonite is a combination of crystal and metal in resin, and it is based on Wilhelm Reich’s scientific research culminating in the existence of what he termed orgone energy."

Orgones are said to help balance energies in our all our bodies.... emotional, spiritual, mental & physical. Every Orgone has a different Matrix of crystals & materials to help promote energetic balance in different energies centres. Orgones have also said to be helpful to protect against electromagnetic radiation, so they are great to have by the computer or any electronics.

The series of Orgones we carry are all inspired by the different Astrological signs of the Western Zodiac. We only have a few left, check out our website to see what we DO have left in stock!


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National Indigenous History Month - Not Forgotten

Posted on June 11, 2020 by laureen barker

June is National Indigenous History Month! 

So we would like to introduce a favourite First Nation's artist of ours...

Maxine Noel is an internationally renowned Native visual artist and mentor with a career spanning more than 35 years.

Born on the Birdtail Reserve in Manitoba, Maxine Noel has lived in Stratford with her daughter for more than 20 years. She believes that there is a common bond that links all cultures of the world, and she continues to work tirelessly to bridge the gap between Native and non-Native communities. Her dedication, commitment, strength and self-determination make her a valuable role model.

In September 2016, First Nations leaders and federal cabinet ministers came together to honour Maxine’s artistry and contributions to raising public awareness of the Canadian crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. "Not Forgotten" expresses the terrible history of the lives of Indigenous women and girls, as well as resilience and hope for reconciliation and redress. Maxine gifted the original painting to the Native Women’s Association of Canada in order to raise awareness and much-needed funds for the important work needed to accomplish this reconciliation.

We proudly carry her beautiful art in functional forms such as wallets, purses & notebooks. You can also buy all of her art in prints & cards.

Maxine is not the only First Nation's artists' products we carry!

We carry a variety of artists in different products from stickers, patches, accessories and more! We are very committed to supporting First Nation's artists in selling their products because we know this way that they are being properly & directly compensated and it enables us to circulate their message and beautiful artworks to our community.

We are open with a capacity of 10 people at a time! So come down and check what we offer in the way of her products!

Click HERE to learn more about Indigenous History Month:

Bio Reference:,for%20more%20than%2020%20years.


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HEART ZONES ... for those shopping in person.

Posted on April 18, 2020 by laureen barker

We are asking that a maximum of 5 individuals or family groups, in addition to the (2-3) staff, are in the shop at any one time.  

Continue Reading →

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Free Delivery for those Self Isolating in Nelson Area!

Posted on March 18, 2020 by laureen barker

Humans are social creatures. And as it is, the closing of businesses and not being able to be out and about, it really takes a toll on us!

What's worse than not being able to pop by and pick up your favourite incense, essential oil or smudging tools to uplift your spirits and keep your environment light?

So we are here to help!

We are offering free delivery to anyone in Nelson area or within 1 Mile / City Limits.

Give us a call at 1-250-354-4471 or order on our site to make arrangements and we will get your order out to you as promptly as we can.

Stay well everyone, we will get through this together!!!

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Ostara: Out with the old, in with the new....

Posted on March 12, 2020 by laureen barker

March 21st marks the day that we celebrate the Spring Equinox or in some traditions Ostara. This is when we welcome new life & new birth and any wishes we put out to manifest during Imbolc (February 1st - February 2nd) will not starting sprouting and coming to fruition at the time of Ostara

"According to the Venerable Bede, Eostre was the Saxon version of a Germanic goddess called Ostara. Her feast day was held on the full moon following the vernal equinox–almost the identical calculation as for the Christian Easter in the west." -

What are some ways we can usher this beautiful newness in through rituals & practices ?

1.) Create an Altar!

Decorate this sacred space with natural items that represent spring which can include eggs, pussy willows & crocuses. Adding handmade items that represent different aspects of spring & offering this to the divine can be a powerful way of connecting to your creative forces.

2.) Earth Meditation. 

Find a dry enough spot on the Earth (or sit on a thick towel or blanket) resting a melange of stones & crystals at your base. If you are wanting to promote self-love, healing and healing in relationships Moss Agate, Rose Quartz, Black Obsidian & Clear Quartz would be a nice combination. Once you have set yourself up, close your eyes and breathe deeply into your diaphragm. Imagine the Earth's floor, the moss, the grass, the dirt, the bugs and take it all in. Take in the energy of all your relations and direct it towards healing and re-balancing your energy centres. At the end of your mediation do not forget to thank the Earth and all of her companions for helping you in this grounding, clearing and healing shift.



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