Monika Smutny, or as we know her at Gaia Rising, 'Monika of the Cosmos' is a local Holistic Healer offering a large range of services, huge love and a beautiful heart.
Gaia: Hi Monika! Tell us a bit about yourself. Background, upbringing, interests….
Monika: I was born in Vancouver and grew up in the East Kootenays of BC in Kimberley. I have 3 adult children and have spent the last 15 years in the West Kootenay areas of New Denver, Nelson and Rossland. Mostly grounding now in the mountains of Rossland the last 8 years. I grew up in a household of loving parents and 1 older brother. My interests in holistic healing dates back to a young girl, with fond memories of wild berry and flower picking and wild crafting plants into medicines with my mother. My favorite times were camping by rivers up in the mountains, far from civilization. I have studied herbology and used applied plant medicine, wild crafted, grown, and created herbal teas, and tinctures for myself, family, friends and colleagues for over 25 years. I have worked in horticulture, business and healthcare for a combination of over 30 years. My most recent passions and experience over the last few years are in Crystal healing, Reiki, Indian Head and Foot massage, Crystal wand & rollers face massage, meditation, acupressure, aura cleansing and chakra balance. I love to spend time with my 3 children and cat in my zen space at home or out in nature in the forests hiking, skiing or on the water kayaking. All things green, and gardening are my passion and collecting and working with mother earths gems and crystals. My soul soars when I connect with women in circle and celebrate magickal ways of our ancestors. I believe that all life flows through us and to us from a divine universal energy source.
Gaia: Where did your spiritual journey start?
Monika: My spiritual journey started when I attended a women’s circle in my teens about 17 years old. Curious to learn more about sacred medicine and ceremony, I was introduced to a medicine woman and attended a sweat lodge, created medicine wheels, and then became a solitary practicing green witch/shaman. There was a time that I lived in communal spiritual house where I learned more about soulful minded healthy clean living and vegetarian cooking.
Gaia: What guided you to become a healing practitioner?
Monika: After a devastating divorce and surviving trauma and the effects of that in my family, my own healing journey guided me to study and becoming a healing practitioner.
Gaia: You have such a large repertoire of skills! What discipline did you start with in your healing practice?
Monika: The very first healing method I started with was Herbology and candlemagick in my teens and early twenties.
Gaia: Is there a healing service that you offer that you prefer more than others? Or that resonates with you in ways that some of your other services do not?
Monika: I love to combine loving touch, energy work and gather in sacred circle with women. I am especially drawn to work with crystals, herbs, and sound to incorporate them into my sessions. One of my favorites is the Rose Quartz Facial Massage that include heart chakra balancing and ear reflexology. I use a combination of rose oil, raw and polished rose quartz while bringing in the universal energies of the divine source to bring in love frequency. My most booked service is the Ayurveda Foot and Head Massage, where I apply ancient massage practices that are centuries old from India, where the Ayurvedic "Art of Life" book of techniques was written. Such a beautiful practice that I truly feel connected and am blessed to be a portal through and from.
Gaia: What are a few herbs you love to work with and why? What are your favorite crystals to work with lately? Are there any archetypes or expressions of divinity you are connected to lately and why?
Monika: Herbs I like to work with lately are fresh or dried snippets of cooking and medicinal herbs that I can add to soups or teas, such as thyme, oregano, chives, mint, and raspberry leaves. Lavender and Rose are always a go to that I have abundance of around for aromatherapy, elixirs, and smudging. One of my favorites that do not grow here is Lemongrass, that I used to pick in bunches and put in hot water for tea or let it cool for iced tea when I travelled to Ecuador it grew wild! Crystals of preference lately is Hematite for grounding and protection, as well as I love my Dendritic Agate or as some call it Merlinite. I have a ring of this shaped like teardrop. There is a sense of great balance, magick and peace when I wear this gemstone. An old calling to Morgana or Morgan le Fay of Avalon has been with me for as long as I can remember. She is both a powerful sorceress and priestess of Avalon, Queen of the fairies and has a dark mystical side to her as well that is so entrancing and intoxicating. I feel called to her homeland in Avalon. Aphrodite, Greek goddess that emerges from the seas of beauty and love is also a strong caller and I feel she has messages and connection with me, when I am near water I can hear her song.
Gaia: What do you feel you offer as a healer? Personally, not services.
Monika: I can offer personally as a healer, what the receiver is ready to allow in. Energy and healing must come from a willing participant to do their own work. I am an open portal for my own healing, but I also know that energy is sourced from within and I can allow myself to be a portal of this healing from the divine source and pass it through. With each healing, I am also being healed.
Gaia: What is your vision for Earth & humanity?
Monika: My vision for the Earth and humanity is that more of us walk on earth with compassion and reverence to take care of our earth mother and each other. To not be judgemental and learn to forgive with ease, so we live more wholly and completely with more happiness and peace.
Gaia: Are there any spiritual philosophies, beliefs or paths you are drawn to that you would like to learn more about?
Monika: I am drawn to goddess study, wiccan, the green and white witch path, priestess magick and also shamanism. Ayurveda roots and Avalonian mysteries are deep within my soul, but I like to think of myself as a Mystic Holistic Healer & Eclectic Priestess/Witch. Trying to step into my power!
Gaia: How do you think you have grown as a person in the last year?
Monika: The last year has been a rollercoaster of major events, and I have grown more calm and accepting of change. I have learned that you cannot heal others not willing to heal themselves. I have stepped back from too many obligations and learning more to trust in the ebb and flow.
Gaia: What is one thing you would like to grow about yourself in 2022?
Monika: In 2022, I would like to come out more of the broom closet, not be afraid to show my gifts and get grounded. I have been floating around up the cosmos awhile now, and would like to bring all that golden sparkly energy down from the stars and ascend to mother earth and call her home.
Gaia: What is your sun sign and do you feel you relate to it? If you know what your moon and ascendant signs are, do you feel like they reflect in your personality?
Monika: I am a sun sign in Taurus, ascendant Virgo and moon sign in Pisces. I can relate to my stubborn, hard working, organized self that loves to be surrounded by beauty. My emotional self loves to gaze into the moon and being near water is important to me. I now live by a creek, and a forest, so am feeling more balanced. I need to have nature close by and my personality is also very bull headed. I like to work towards, and know I can achieve with bullheadedness my dreams.
Gaia: Tell us about more about the readings you offer and other products or services you offer?
Monika: I offer Oracle card reads, along with an upper chakra meditation journey. During this session I bring in the energies of Amethyst and Lavender to help recall dreams and messages. Another offering is the Aura Cleanse and Chakra Balance, with the use of selenite, a natural high vibration crystal, we can clear stuck energy and external thoughts. I use crystal pendulums to assess the chakras for imbalances and then gently lay gemstones on the 7 main chakra points to help align the chakras, gain more balance and centerness. Crystal balls on the foot for grounding
Gaia: Where can we find more information about accessing your products and services?
Monika: For more information visit my website or book an in person session at the Madhu Wellness Collective in Rossland at this link below or visit I also sell the Ayurvedic Hair Serum Oil I use during the Indian Head Massage. Email: Mobile: 250-231-2174
Gaia: And finally, what would be in your shopping bag at Gaia Rising?
Monika: I love to shop for crystals, ritual candles, incense, smudge, aroma sprays, books, tarot and oracle cards, jewellery, bells, bowls, and décor at Gaia Rising! LOVE YOU AND YOUR STORE!