Amy is a beautiful, local Goddess whose medicine speaks through her hand made crystal grids. We are so excited and honored to be carrying Amy's amazing, beautiful grids and crystal grid sets!
Gaia: Hello and welcome Avalon Mystic ;) Please, introduce yourself and tell us about you!
Amy: I have been interested in magic, witchcraft, energy, herbs and crystals since my late teens. I have incorporated all of these into my life on some level over the years. I have about 300 houseplants and consider myself a bit “woo woo” - in the best way! I really enjoy talking about energy, my deep love and knowledge of crystals as well as manifesting with my friends. At the same time I am naturally level headed and determined. A few of my super powers are following through with a plan, getting sh*t done and creating beauty and magic in my life. I was born in Alberta and we moved to California when I was 5, which is where I was raised. During my 20’s I lived in a variety of places, from Kaui, to Victoria to Oregon. In 2006 when my daughter was 5, it felt like it was time to settle down and I chose to do that in Nelson. I have been here ever since. My Mom’s family has been in the Creston valley for almost 130 years and we would visit often, so the Kootenays have always felt like home.
Gaia: How long have you been working with crystals & crystal gridding, and what drew you to that specific practice?
Amy: I have been working with crystals for over 25 years. I started crystal gridding 4 years ago. Crystals have always felt magical and sacred to me. I feel they are beautiful gifts from the Earth with a variety of vibrational frequencies to help us on our path of personal growth. I was drawn to crystal gridding as it allows one to work with both crystals and manifesting in a more powerful, intentional way. I love having a beautiful, visual reminder of what I am calling in on my altar. It has become a practice that I do regularly, usually with the moon cycles.
Gaia: What crystals are in resonance with you right now that you are working with?
Amy: I have spent a lot of time working with smoky quartz lately. I am a total introvert and in the winter I tend to go inward even more. It is my time of year to get cozy and “hermit”. Smoky Quartz is a powerful crystal for shifting energies, old beliefs, patterns and mindset that no longer serve us. This tends to be my focus during the winter months, so smoky quartz feels like a kindred spirit.
Gaia: How did you choose the name ‘Avalon Mystic’? What significance does it have to you?
Amy: Avalon Mystic seemed like the perfect name for my business because it is centered around supporting women to remember their magic and reconnect to their power and intuition. Avalon is a sacred place for Goddess magic, and Priestesses. The legend says that to access this hidden realm, one had to part the mists and the veil between worlds. I read the book, Mists of Avalon, many years ago and have always loved it. This is reflected in my logo as well, with the triple moon symbol and the two women representing sisterhood and the Gemini twins.
Gaia: How did you decide what types of grids to make to offer to the public?
Amy: These grids are intended to help empower women to reconnect to and remember their magic. Based on that premise, I asked myself the following questions:
What could be blocking us from connecting to our magic?
In what ways could we be supported to allow this to unfold?
In what areas of our life do we feel disempowered?
From there I came up with these themes:
1.Financial Abundance (Magnetic Goddess of Abundance)
2.Reclaiming our voice and truth (Speak your Authentic Truth)
3.Reconnecting to our feminine energy and operating less from our masculine side (Invoking the Goddess Within)
4.Loving and accepting ourselves for exactly who we are (Nurturing the Goddess of Self Love)
5.Trusting our intuition and remembering our divinity (Remembering your Divine Light)
6.Reclaiming our power and taking action (Stepping into your Power)
7.Taking care of our physical health and wellness (Radiant Goddess of Wellness)
8.Stepping out of stress and anxiety and inviting calm (Goddess of Serenity)
9.Being in alignment with ourselves feeling bliss and flow. (Goddess of Bliss & Alignment)
For me personally, these are all areas that I continue working on to honor my own femininity and remember the divine magic within me.
Gaia: Are there any other personal spiritual practices you have? Do you mind sharing about them?
Amy: I am definitely a Kitchen Witch, I love working with herbs and plants. Being in nature, honoring the moon cycles, and creating sacred rituals are all part of my spiritual practice. I also do yoga daily and meditate as often as I can.
Gaia: Are there any spiritual philosophies, beliefs or paths you are drawn to that you would like to learn more about?
Amy: When I was little my Grandma would give me long distance reiki healing. She taught me about my grounding cord, drawing cosmic energy down through my body and other energetic practices. I have my second degree in reiki but I haven’t used it in years. I would love to explore this again and deepen my knowledge and experience of these energetic practices. I also love astrology and am currently taking a course to deepening my connection and understanding of it.
Gaia: How do you think you have grown as a person in the last year?
Amy: I’ve grown in so many ways…even just in the practical knowledge of learning so many new skills with this business. I’ve learned how to use a laser engraver, build a website and navigate instagram. Also remembering how resilient and determined I am and expanding my capacity for patience in all ways.
Gaia: What is one thing you would like to grow about yourself in 2023?
Amy: It’s hard to just pick one…lol! I am a lifelong learner and feel like I am always growing and learning in so many ways. Being an introvert, one thing that I personally struggle with is speaking in groups. It is definitely something that I have been working on expanding in myself and pushing past my comfort zone.
Gaia: What is your sun sign and do you feel you relate to it? If you know what your moon and ascendant signs are, do you feel like they reflect in your personality?
Amy: My sun sign is Gemini and I relate to it in that it has the energy of duality, which I see in myself very clearly. I am grounded, practical and logical and I am also very witchy, dreamy and magical. I want to travel the world and at the same time am really happy to just be at home. I can be totally introverted but love a good party. Lol…sometimes I feel like a complete contradiction.
My ascendant is also Gemini with duality that shows up in my personality traits - energetic but relaxed, impatient but reserved enough to not make it a thing. I also love learning, information and communication which are all Gemini traits. I really love having conversations that allow me to see things from another perspective.
I am a Scorpio moon and this is very clear in how I resonate with the witch archetype, feel spirituality deeply, have intuitive gifts as well as being drawn to magic and alchemy. It is my emotional side and I dive below the surface of things, exploring the hidden to bring greater wisdom and empowerment into my conscious awareness. I also require authentic, meaningful connections with the people in my life.
Gaia: Where can we find more information about accessing your products and or services?
You can check out my website
You can find me on instagram
Gaia: What would be in your shopping bag at Gaia Rising?
Amy: I have a deep appreciation and respect for oracle decks and how much insight they give, so those would definitely be in my shopping bag! Beautiful gemstone jewelry and books always call for me too…I love reading and sparkly things, what can I say :)
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