Rise of the New Earth, A conversation with Kosmic T!

Posted on February 10, 2022 by Dannika Soukoroff

    Meet Nelson's very own Kosmic T! With his recent release of his new album 'Rise of the new Earth' Tanin is quickly reaching people's hearts & embedding love into their consciousness. With such a crazy reality we presently live in, this album has been so uplifting, inspiring and encouraging to many people in the area and beyond! If you need some grounding and reassurance for the future, I highly recommend this album to bring you back to center.
    "A world of harmony, cooperation, and unmatched beauty, rooted in the generosity of the human spirit and a profound reverence for the whole of life. If you listen closely enough you may catch glimmers of these future-dreamings in some of my songs." -Kosmic T
      This is a very special interview as our interviewer Dannika has known Tanin for a number of years. They met at the Yasodhara Ashram in Riondel B.C. (Crawford Bay Area). 
 "Oh Dannika, you of all people should know the answer to this one 😉 It’s hard to say when my “spiritual journey” began but it sure kicked into high-gear when I hit a succession of rock-bottom moments and decided I really needed to change my life." -Kosmic T
Not only is it a special interview for two friends, but so exciting to share, because Tanin Shunter is such a light to the world and was always an inspiration and teacher for Dannika.
Dannika (Gaia): What inspired you to focus on spiritual themes in your music? How did they marrying of the two come about?

Kosmic T: I think any true music is a spiritual experience - it touches the deeper places within ourselves that maybe we didn’t know were there, it opens us up to seeing life in a new way, it connects with our hearts, our beauty, our pain, our longing, our deepest desires and dreams. If music doesn’t move you - what’s the point! If it doesn’t challenge you, or invite you into previously unknown places then I ain’t all that interested. I see music as a vehicle for Spirit and I do my best to be a conduit for the vast benevolence of the earth, stars and Creation to sing through me. Music is the breath of Spirit - our lives are nothing-but song!

Dannika (Gaia): When did your spiritual journey begin? What prompted you to follow a spiritual path? :D (I might know a little about this)....

Kosmic T: Oh Dannika, you of all people should know the answer to this one 😉 It’s hard to say when my “spiritual journey” began but it sure kicked into high-gear when I hit a succession of rock-bottom moments and decided I really needed to change my life. This led to all manner of conspiring on behalf of the universe to bring me to where I needed to be and eventually plopped me in the lap of Yasodhara Ashram on the east shores of Kooetenay lake (where Dannika and I first met for a 1 month karma yoga intro program). It felt like I’d arrived at a real-life Hogwarts! From that time-on something was activated activated in me and I’ve been nurturing the light of my soul (to the best of my ability) ever since.

Dannika (Gaia): I have heard that you have local voice features on your album ‘Rise of the New Earth’. Mind sharing with us who they are and how you decided how to feature them?

Kosmic T: Yes one of my favourite things about this album, and what really differentiates it from my first album “Seeds Of Light”, was the level of community involvement. As a quick-aside, through the generosity of the community we raised over $7000 on Gofundme to complete the album, which was incredible. As for voice features - some of my dearest mentors & friends are on this album - including my beloved partner Cassandre and the voices of some very sweet children in my life. To welcome in the voices of my friends not only made the songs 1000X more potent and beautiful - but made the whole recording process a lot more fun! 


Community features on 'Rise of the new Earth' during album recording.

Dannika (Gaia): I have listened to both your ‘Seeds of Light’ and ‘Rise of the New Earth’ both very extensively. I noticed musically that there was a shift in style. There seemed to be less rap features and more focus on melodies and musicality overall. Can you share about how your style has evolved over time? Do you feel it has shifted dramatically?

Kosmic T: Yes with “Seeds Of Light” I was still early-on in the process of finding my authentic voice and still had a lot of ideas about how hiphop music should sound. Fast forward 7 years and I have come to appreciate a much wider spectrum of music and found that there are absolutely no shoulds when it comes to the creative process! Traditional hiphop/rap can often have an aggressive masculine edge to it (with no shortage of ego, competitiveness, and posturing) where-as in the last 7 years I’ve become much more in touch with the essential feminine qualities of my being - those qualities of yielding, dreaming, nurturing, attuning, and listening to receive higher/deeper inspirations from the heart. This comes across in my new tunes as a more melodious voice that is both freer and bolder because of how I’ve learned (and am still learning) to honour both my inner masculine, and my inner feminine equally. These two aspects of Creation, united & ignited are capable of some pretty powerful stuff!

                 SEEDS OF LIGHT

'Seeds of light' Kosmic T's first release-- also available at Gaia Rising.

Dannika (Gaia): Which songs on your new album stand out to you in all ways, musically, lyrically, production…I really love 'Deep Within', 'Rainbow Warriors' & 'Return of the bird tribe'....

Kosmic T: Hmmmm…. I really love “Fearlessly Free” I think the production on that one turned out bad-ass and I love the fiery-passion I bring through in that song. I think from an instrumental standpoint I love “Pachamama” with the gorgeous flutes and the river-like melodies that carry the song along to it’s conclusion. I was so fortunate to work with DJ Taz Rashid & Momentology on this project - purveyors of such high quality, inspirational frequencies my voice can’t help but come out and play! And my brother from the south Paulo Germano is an absolutely world-class audio engineer who really helped bring these songs to life.

Dannika (Gaia): Which song represents your soul mission on Earth the best? What would you say your soul mission is here? (Not to put the pressure on)....

Kosmic T: Glad to see we’re moving back to the more mundane questions here 😉 Hmm that’s a tricky one - I think the album as a whole is an interconnected tapestry that represents who I am, what I stand for, and my sense of mission… buuuut if I had to give an answer I would say the “Taripaypacha” comes closest to nailing my soul-mission here. “Taripaypacha” is a quechua word that comes from the Inca, and it refers to a prophesied age where we re-encounter ourselves and have the opportunity to consciously evolve into the next Golden Age. And here is the kicker…. WE ARE LIVING IN THOSE TIMES RIGHT NOW!!!!! Sound too good to be true? Not to the irrational wisdom of the heart. The prophecy of these times have been spoken of in different tongues by countless wisdom traditions all around the world - and it is this vision of a New Earth, the dawning of the Taripaypacha, that I am here to serve and consecrate my life to.

Dannika (Gaia): Any plans on a new album in the near future?

Kosmic T: Why yes actually… I’ve been quietly working on another full-album over the course of the last 6 months or so. Here is a Gaia Rising sneak-peak exclusive - the name of the album (subject to change) is “ Kosmic T - Freedom Fire” and it feels like it’s arrival is rather timely. I’ll let your imagination dream into what the main themes for this one may be 😉

Dannika (Gaia): What does your dream for humanity look like? What does your dream for yourself look like?

Kosmic T: I believe we are neck-deep in one of the greatest transformations the Earth has ever seen. This transformation is rooted in a profound shift in consciousness where the truth of love is waking up in us like never before and dismantling all the illusions of separation that have held us bound. An often messy and absolutely necessary process…I dream of a world where the rivers, oceans and lakes run clean and pure, the air we breath is fresh and clear, the lands are tended- to by an awakened species and where nature is respected and cared for as the Mother that she is. A world where our children can truly thrive in the absolute safety of a world without fear. I believe we are evolving into a peaceful civilization, eventually destined for the stars,  and that the last vestiges of fear are clinging for dear life… but even they know their reign was never meant to last. A world of harmony, cooperation, and unmatched beauty, rooted in the generosity of the human spirit and a profound reverence for the whole of life. If you listen closely enough you may catch glimmers of these future-dreamings in some of my songs.

Dannika (Gaia): Your art seems to be strong expressions of all your interests combined… is this a natural process? Does it require a lot of thought and consideration? Left or right brain kind of process?

Kosmic T: When I’m “tapped in” it feels effortless - as if the left and right brains are harmoniously dancing together - I sometimes have songs that come through in their entirety in a matter of minutes. The work, if we can call it that, is to get into the space of inner clarity, connection and empowerment where the secret-sauce of inspiration can strike and ignite my creative fires. I’m clear that I’m not in control of the the process - I just do my best to show of with openness and curiosity and let the heart guide in the rest. That said - the “left brain” is definitely put to good use in the often excruciating refinement process…just because a whole song can come through in a matter of minutes doesn’t mean it doesn’t need some solid refinement! Great thanks go to my beloved for all her help with that process for “Rise Of The New Earth”:)

Dannika (Gaia): Are there any other personal spiritual practices you have? Do you mind sharing about them?

Kosmic T: I am a dedicated student of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition - a peruvian wisdom tradition rooted in deep reverence for the earth and all life. A life-line practice for me throughout these wild times has been spending some quality time seated at my mesa (altar) and entering into a state of energetic communion and prayer. The Pachakuti Mesa tradition, beyond being a big inspiration for my last album, has blessed my life with many practical practices and tools, and although it doesn’t feel like the time or place to go into them here, if your curious you can learn more about this beauty way on their website: https://heartofthehealer.org/

I also believe regular walks in nature are one of the best spiritual practices anyone could hope for. I often enjoy finding a stream to rest by and listen, or an old cedar tree to lean against and just “be”. I never feel more at home or at peace than I do nestled somewhere deep in a forest. I also practice regular pauses throughout my day to interrupt my busy-body tendencies - be it for a moment or several minutes, this allows me to breath more presence and spaciousness into my day resulting in greater flow, productivity and coherence.

Dannika (Gaia): What is one thing you would like to grow about yourself in 2022?

Kosmic T: I’d like to become a little gentler with myself in 2022. I know for many of us on a “spiritual path” there can be a tendency to overanalyze, push, and be more than a little judgmental. I find the medicine of gentleness to be one of the most powerful there is - and in an often overstimulated, overloaded, over-stretched world a little gentleness, a little kindness, can go a long way.

Dannika (Gaia): Tell us more other products or services you offer...

Kosmic T: I’m also an outdoor nature educator and have had the great honour and pleasure of working with many children, teens and families in our community. If you are interested in learning more about the programs I offer you can email me at: officialkosmict@gmail.com (I have programs running for boys ages 7-10, 14-17, and mixed groups for ages 4-7).

Dannika (Gaia): Where can we find more information about accessing your products and services?

Kosmic T: My tunes can be found on all the major platforms (bandcamp, spotify, youtube, soundcloud, itunes, etc) and my website is definitely the best place to stay up to date with the new projects I’m working on: https://kosmict.com/

Dannika (Gaia): What would be in your shopping bag at Gaia Rising?

Kosmic T: Some good ol buffalo sage, Alana Fairchild’s Rumi tarot deck (the best!), a copy of “The Gene Keys” (masterpiece), a surprise gift for a friend, maybe a shiny crystal or two and, of course, have to cop a classic copy of Kosmic T 😉

'Seeds of Light' & 'Rise of the new Earth' are both available at Gaia Rising on CD.... right CDs still exist? I know!


Kosmic T and Dannika will be hosting an Instagram Live this month! Date and time is yet to be determined but we will make sure to follow up with all of you so you can book the date :D Please make sure you follow us on Instagram @gaia_rising_metaphysical to ensure you don't miss our Kosmic-Tea! ☕


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