Foolproof Methods for ESP and Remote Viewing
Discover a new approach to scrying and dowsing that uses revolutionary methods to quickly uncover exciting and unknown information - everything from the location of lost items to knowledge about your future self. Great for practitioners of any level, this book features easy-to-use and accurate techniques that only take fifteen minutes.
The Art of Scrying and Dowsing presents three different models of scrying: internal, external (using a speculum such as a crystal ball or a bowl of water), and casting items such as bones, shells, or tarot cards. Discover how to use different dowsing tools in conjunction with scrying to answer yes/no questions and to dowse maps, charts, and more. Explore challenging topics, such as solitary occult scrying and inducing visions, and learn how to get better results. This book helps raise your practice to amazing new heights and uncover mysteries about the future.
Answers to Uplift and Shift Dial into your cosmic inner support system with this comprehensive...
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Cultural Writing. Asian Studies. Philosophy. Mencius is known to history as the "other" great philosopher...
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Angels will warn us, protect us, and enhance our lives - if we understand how...