Heavenly Highs

Ayahuasca, Kava-Kava, DMT, and Other Plants of the Gods

HEAVENLY HIGHS introduces the reader to a world of enthobotanicals (plants which release the god within) used by Shaman and psychedelic explorers. Includes DMT, which is found in psychedelic snuff; Amazonian ayahuasca, which is a bitter tasting beverage that triggers visionary experiences with plant gods; Ibogain, which is a yellowish root ingested by indigenous peoples to achieve visionary experiences; and Belladona, Yohimbe and Kava-Kava. For each group Stafford provides the history, botany, chemistry, mental and physical effects, preparation and use, and legal considerations.

Collections: books

Category: ayahuasca, plants, shamanism

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