Interview with Jeremie from the Men in Tubs calendar

Posted on May 30, 2023 by Dannika Soukoroff


We had the pleasure of interviewing Jeremie, the creator of the local

Men in Tubs calendar!

Gaia: Hello Jeremie! We are so excited to learn more about you and your Men in Tubs calendar! Tell us a bit more about yourself!

Jeremie: I grew up in Gatineau, QC. During my school years I was a kid with low self-esteem, especially around girls but I was fairly good at sports. I was really bored in High school, and I believe that lead me to smoke weed every day from 16.5 to 19 years old. At 20 years old I moved to Mont-Tremblant QC, which is the “Whistler” of the east coast and that gave me a breath of fresh air. From there, I migrated to the West Kootenays where I’ve now been for the past 14 years. Lots of tree planting, snowboarding, and partying.

Gaia: How did the Men in Tubs calendar come to be?

Jeremie: In 2014 I fractured my left patella snowboarding. That lead me to stop the cycle I was caught in. From there I made a commitment to learn about myself so that I could make better decisions in my life. The following winter, I experienced depression and started to learn about a plant medicine called Ayahuasca. I then went to Peru to attend a 12-day full transformational retreat. During my Ayahuasca retreat, I learned 4 things that impacted me.

First, I realized that I have been running away from my problems my whole life.

Second, I learned that I had a deep belief of being a loser.

Third, if I am wrong, I have the power to change it.

Fourth, being scared and feeling resistance means that there's something of value for me hiding behind the fear and resistance. That what I am scared about is something important for me to explore. And that I need to go towards that which I fear to give my life greater meaning.

So, when I came back to Canada from the trip, I asked myself “What am I the most afraid to do in my life right now?”

The answer was to go to photography school and that’s what I did. During the school year, my friend sent me a photo of him in a clawfoot tub and instantly got inspired to create a dudes in tub calendar!

It took me 3 years after studying photography to gather enough gear and the courage to create the first calendar.

Gaia: Why Men in tubs? What is the significance about tubs being the main theme in all of your photos in the calendars?

Jeremie: The original idea of why I wanted to do this was because I thought it would be a hilarious concept. Then it evolved into a fully realized body of work! To me this is an expression of art that combines creativity and vulnerability. 

 15% from each calendar sold will be donated to organizations that help with mental health with the biggest donation to The Mankind Project and Nelson Community Services.”

Gaia: Why did you choose to focus on the discussion and support of mental health over other causes?

Jeremie: My life got better when I started to pay attention to my well-being, and I know how much I benefitted from various groups and services support that I utilized. So I want to give back and help others on their journey!

Gaia: These calendars are so much fun! For myself I find the most exciting part about the calendar is seeing who will be featured in them and if I know and connect to the person in our little community. Do you find that you generally have confident men that are open and willing to express themselves through these photographs or do you find that they become more open within the experience and space that you provide them?

Jeremie: Some men are very open to being photographed naked. I would say that most of them are experiencing some level of fear while simultaneously  experiencing bravery or courage.

Gaia: What are 4 of the photos you find that you connect to most when you think of it off of the top of your head? 

    1. Burton Flats, BC, Self-Portrait, Jeremie Jalapeno, April 2021

  • Wilson creek Waterfall with Byron, May 2021.

   2. Hume Hotel, Ryan Martin, March 2023

  • Burton Flats, BC, Self-Portrait, Jeremie Jalapeno, April 2021

   Hume Hotel, Ryan Martin, March 2023

  • Hume Hotel, Ryan Martin, March 2023

    White Crow Farm, Madrone, September 2022

  • White Crow Farm, Madrone, September 2022

Gaia: Are there any other personal spiritual practices you have? Do you mind sharing about them?

Jeremie: I am part of a Men Circle in Nelson. I am involved with the Mankind Project.

Gaia: Are there any spiritual philosophies, beliefs or paths you are drawn to that you would like to learn more about?

Jeremie: I want to learn how to merge photography and healing.

Gaia: How do you think you have grown as a person in the last year?

Jeremie: This past year I have made a lot of mistakes and repeated mistakes. Painful progression, sometimes feels like there’s no progression. I just need to remember that progress isn’t immediate.

Gaia: What is one thing you would like to grow about yourself in 2023?

Jeremie: To dream, to plan, to take action, to grow love and pride for myself.

Gaia: What is your sun sign and do you feel you relate to it? If you know what your moon and ascendant signs are, do you feel like they reflect in your personality?

Jeremie: Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon and yes I feel resonance with both of them!

Gaia: Where can we find more information about accessing your products and or services?


Gaia: What would be in your shopping bag at Gaia Rising?

Jeremie: Books, incense and our calendar :D !

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